Partner of the Law's Firm Corporativo Velasco & Merino, S.C., with great experience in the Mexican and international aeronautical area.
The background of her experience emerges from her participation in the working team of the Subprocuraduría de Servicios de PROFECO, by providing an efficient and modern system of consumers’ complaints, attention to the complaints, conciliation procedures, and of law infractions; just like the modernization of the platforms. She participated in the actualization of the legal frame in the area dedicated to customer services of the PROFECO, and in the implementation of courses of personnel training to the Delegations and Sub-delegations of the PROFECO at national level.
She also collaborated as a junior lawyer in Jurídico de AEROMÉXICO, where she developed her skills in Corporative Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Aeronautical Law.
She had held the position of Sub-director of the Legal Area of the Civil Aviation Legal Unit at the Secretaría Comunicaciones y Transportes; where she developed her skills in civil aviation issues, aeronautical infrastructure, Corporative Law, and Administrative Law.
She has done courses in Administrative Law, and Administrative Procedures at the UNAM.
Courses in Telecommunications at the Centro de Estudios en Posgrado de Derecho. Velasco participated as professor’s assistant on the Post-graduated Course of Industrial and Intellectual Property at the Centro de Estudios de Posgrado de Derecho, from September 2002 to June 2004.
She studied Law at the Escuela Libre de Derecho.
She is certificated by the IATA in the legal issues about leasing, financing, and purchasing of aircrafts.